I don’t want you to start working as a Scrum Master, without knowing these little secrets.

Now, if you are interested in this career and you come from a non-technical background, I would recommend starting sharpening your SOFT skills first.

✅ Free access to Soft Skills for Workplace eBook. Send an email to agileandscrummasterclass (at) gmail.com (SUBJECT: Soft Skills for Workplace), and I will send it to you immediately.

00:00 - Can you be a Scrum Master with no experience?
00:21 - How could I become a scrum master without any technical background and scrum experience?
00:59 - 6 Powerfull Soft Skills required to become a great Scrum Master
04:25 - Does this mean that there are no technical skills required for becoming a great Scrum Master?
05:39 - Why should a Scrum Master have Technical Knowledge?
06:19 - How to become confident in yourself as a Scrum Master?
08:34 - Download the free eBook, Soft Skills for Workplace

🔥 Agile and Scrum Masterclass is The First and Only Course, That Tells You Exactly, How to Start Scrum Career: https://www.whatisscrum.org 
💸 If you are happy with this video, Buy a Coffee for Dejan: https://ko-fi.com/dmspot 
🔔 Subscribe to this YouTube channel HERE: http://bit.ly/dejanYouTube 
🔴 Join our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/agileandscrummasterclass 

#scrummaster #scrum #career


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