New Vlog: In this video, we will talk about Scrum from another perspective, and why sometimes Scrum doesn’t work. 

Welcome to Scrum behind the scenes VLog.

In this video we will talk about Scrum from another perspective, and why sometimes Scrum doesn’t work.

00:00 – What is Scrum?
00:18 – Who created Scrum?
00:54 – Teamwork from Scrum’s perspective
01:05 – 5 Lean principles
02:17 – What is in the Scrum Guide?
02:48 – Several ways to learn Scrum
03:20 – Why does sometimes Scrum does not work?
04:49 – Download Scrum Checklist Document


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  • Product Owner u Banjaluci
  • Scrum Master u Banjaluci


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