You can take your exams online from home or office for ITIL Foundation v.3 through specialized software and with rigorous conditions.

After I passed the ITIL Foundation V.3 exam and received a certificate, I combine entire literature that I have painstakingly collected for passing the ITIL V.3 Foundation exam and provide that available for you.

The materials for the preparation of ITIL Foundation V.3 exam consists of the following:

  • Folder with issues of heat (minor 120 questions with answers in English)
  • Folder with issues of exercise (180 more difficult questions and answers in English)
  • Folder with issues of assessment (757 questions with answers in English)
  • Professional literature:
    • Introduction to ITIL Foundation v.3 in English language
    • ITIL Foundation v.3. - Strategy service in English language
    • Guide to ITIL 2011 Foundation v.3 Certification in English language
    • ITIL® 2011 - The big picture scheme in English language and
    • ITIL Foundation v.3. - presentation in Serbian language

failing as a manager

I was an HR leader for eons.

I spent a lot of time talking with managers about their “people issues.”

There are always “people issues” in any organization. It takes patience and empathy to work through them. Managers and their employees don’t always see things the same way and it’s helpful to have a sounding board to brainstorm with when communication breaks down.

I always told my fellow managers that I would be happy to help them think through their “people issues” as long as we came to an understanding about one thing.

I said:

I will brainstorm with you about your challenges with one of your employees who is frustrating you right now. We only need to agree as we begin the conversation that our focus is on figuring out what’s not working and solving it, versus disciplining the employee or putting them on probation. If we can agree on that, we can come up with lots of good ideas.


Sylvester Stallone as rocky Balboa sylvester stallone

I grew up with the Rocky movies, and as you can tell from my updated profile pic, I still love them today. Now Creed – the seventh (!) Rocky installment – is in the cinemas. I thought this is reason enough to look back and reflect about what Rocky teaches us.

Rocky has stood the test of time as its lessons apply today as they did four decades ago. I skipped on the self-explanatory ones such as “it ain’t about how hard you hit, but about how hard you can get hit…” Here are my top five Rocky lessons, and I would love to hear your favorites:


Project Manager

Many challenges confront today's project managers -- new technologies, remote workforces and a global market to name a few. To take a project from inception to finish can be grueling and you've got to have great dedication and skills if you're going to be successful. But what sets apart good project managers (PMs) from the truly great ones? What does it take to go from being the manager of projects to a game-changing leader? Here are six skills the great PMs share.


startup problem

It's a reality all entrepreneurs must come to terms with: the potential for failure.

Over 51% of businesses will fail in their first five years (U.S. Census data), and even 25-30% of venture-backed businesses fail.

If you want to innovate and put yourself out there, you have to accept that every entrepreneurial venture is a risk.

But how can you reduce that risk of failure for your next startup?

Often, it helps to turn to the experience of others, to learn what lessons we can from their failures, and cut the learning curve for ourselves. Even if you feel like you're reaching (or surpassing) your prime, it's never too late! Jeffrey Brotman, founder of Costco, didn't launch that successful company until he was into his forties.

In fact, 35 is one of the most common ages to start a successful company.

It takes time to learn how to launch a successful company and all too often, that success is learned through the failures of companies before it.


harvard oxford

The University of Oxford has unveiled its first massive open online course (Mooc), becoming the latest prestigious institution to join the Mooc movement.

Oxford – which took the top spot in the 2016-17 Times Higher Education World University Rankings – announced it will offer the economics course from February 2017 in partnership with edX, an online learning platform founded by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Since Moocs exploded in popularity in 2011, millions of students around the world have enrolled in the free, short courses, which are available to anyone, anywhere with access to the internet.



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