Jahorina Olimpic center is a holding company where the ownership structure is as follows: Equity Fund AD Banja Luka with 65%, RS Restitution Fund (21.16%), Pref AD Banja Luka (4.61%), ZIF crystal fond AD Banja Luka (2.97%) and small shareholders.

What’s specific about Olympic Center of Jahorina compared to the others are many qualities pointing out the quality of ski slopes that are suitable for both beginners and top skiers. Excellent communication, adjacency of the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the airport, and we hope that modern highways will bring Jahorina to other major cities.

At this moment Jahorina can boast with reasonable prices in the accommodation section, as well as the ski pass.

The most pleasant thing is spending days and nights at one of the Jahorina corners which is rich in offer. Jahorina is well positioned in relation to all the major cities and you can reach it within 4-6 hours.

Winter Olympics were held on Jahorina in 1984. when Jahorina experienced its biggest boom. The idea itself was created on Jahorina, thanks to the Jahorina slopes, and after taking the Olympics other centers in the region were developed as well-Trebević, Bjelasnica and Igman. In that year, the candidates for the Games were Japan and Switzerland, but still Jahorina was the one who got the nomination.

In addition to the Olympics, Jahorina held numerous competitions at the European and global level, and that is exactly what obligates us to speed up the modernization of Jahorina, all in order to restore its former glory and be able to compete with the competition again.

In 2008 The General Meeting of shareholders adopted a three-year’s plan worth 41 million KM based on the master plan and the regulation plan. The first issue of bonds worth 10 million was acquired in 2008. In early 2009 the second issue of bonds worth 16 million was acquired.

In August 2009 we started the project worth 18 million KM-construction of two new six-seater lifts on the routes Poljice and Ogorjelica I with individual capacity of 2000 skiers per hour with possibility of increasing up to 3,000 skiers per hour. Cable lifts were put into operation in February 2010.

With the construction of these two six-seater lifts we didn’t stop, Jahorina goes on. At the tender for artificial snowing an Italian company won the tender with whom we have entered into the project of artificial snowing. It was decided that the priority of the artificial snowing is from Skocine baseline to start of the Olympic giant slalom over Rajska Dolina to the falling curves of Ogorjelica I and Ogorjelica II.

The reason why it was decided to snow this area is that it is located in a natural protected area so that in the worst day, with the wind and fog the slopes can be used, which provides the highest security for skiers. Curves of Ogorjelica are the most critical in terms of lack of snow, so with the artificial snowing we have straighten and bonded slopes from the start base to Skočine where the artificial snow ends. A total of 46 fixed and mobile cannons were installed. Out of these there are 32 high giraffe cannons, 4 medium size giraffe cannons, 8 short giraffe cannons and 2 cannons with a fan on the tower.

  • The total length of the snowed route is 3 290 m.
  • The surface to be snowed is 102 900 m2.
  • To get 30cm of snow it takes 120 hours, 15 435 m3 of water, 30 870 m3 of snow.

To the satisfaction of many of the Olympic mountain ski lovers, construction of the six-seater garage on Ogorjelica I is finished.
In addition to the garage, the mounting of the “hood” is completed, which will improve conditions for skiers.

The construction of the underground garage for six-seater Poljice is in progress, as well as the construction of the six-seater Skočine where the cannons for artificial snow and the construction of the six-seater Skočine (Praca) have recently been installed. Unlike the red and black six-seater Poljice and Ogorjelica, six-seater Skočine will be blue and white. Stations will be white, and the seats blue.

With all of the above Jahorina will return its former glory and regain supremacy and leadership among winter touristic centers in the region. The best guarantee of success of everything we do and plan to do is reflected in the fact that behind the development and plans of OC Jahorina stands the Government of RS whose support, we believe, will not fail in the future.

AD Olympic Center Jahorina


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