The Republic of Srpska has comparative advantages in potentials of an in-demand offer in the urban world, as nature tourism is currently the fastest-growing type of tourism in the world (according to the WTO – World Tourist Organisation’s official data).

Tourist potentials of the Republic of Srpska are based on the variety of its natural and cultural heritage. Their protection, valorisation and in some cases their revitalisation, as well as their partaking in tourist market are a strategic basis for the development of tourist economy.

Situated in the heart of the Balkans, it lies between the East and the West, geographically, politically and culturally. Here, the eastern and western civilisations meet, as well as collide sometimes, but most often they have enhanced and enriched one another throughout their long and fascinating history.

Ever since the ancient Roman times, the history in these areas has left numerous cultural-historic monuments and traces of a rich spiritual heritage of the people who lived and held out at this crossroad of cultures and civilisations. The variety of civilisations is verified through numerous archaeological findings in the areas of Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Derventa and Trebinje.

Although territorially not quite huge a country, the Republic of Srpska has rich, but sparse natural resources. They symbolize its peculiarity and its huge precedence given that the climate zones go from a Mediterranean in the south Herzegovina to a mildly continental that prevails in the country’s northern parts. Thanks to its natural beauties and riches, the tourism in the Republic of Srpska is based on natural motives. The nature was extremely favourable to the Republic of Srpska. Fertile plains, numerous rivers and forests offer a huge variety of options for a quality and active vacation in the countryside.

Down in its foothills spread cultivated and fertile prairies of grain Posavina and Semberia, Lijevce polje and gently rolling Potkozarje and Podgrmec, as well as the landscapes of Herzegovina karst dappled with fertile rocky fields. Watercourses of powerful rivers of Una, Sana, Vrbas, Ukrina, Drina and Tara, undoubtedly the clearest rivers in the whole of the Balkans, are rich with all kinds of fish.

turizam i prirodne ljepote


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