With its geographical location, natural beauties and rich cultural and sports activities Banja Luka is one of the cities that have a realistic assumption for a quality organization of the many touristic activities. Banja Luka has always been described as "Paradise Valley" with a mountain river Vrbas and the river canyon of exceptional beauty and unique looks and luxury. In addition to fishing, the Vrbas river is great for many other water sports like rafting, kayaking, canoeing and you can take a ride on a unique boat called DAJAK which is one of a kind in the world.

Banja Luka has numerous cultural and historical monuments, including the most famous: the fortress Kastel, the Temple of Christ the Savior, Monastery in Trapisti, Gomionica and Krupa.

Every year in Banja Luka there is a large number of cultural and sporting events and the most popular are: summer games “Ljeto na Vrbasu”, folk assembly “Kocicev zbor”, Banjaluka Carnival, the music fest “Demo Fest” and others. The city is known for its restaurants which serve local specialties and international cuisine and the unique “Banjalucki cevap"!

This is just a small part of what Banja Luka has to offer to make sure that you have a wonderful time here.

Welcome to Banja Luka and Republic of Srpska


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