Republic of Srpska was proclaimed one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9th Jan 1992, by Dayton Peace Agreement. Republic of Srpska has its borders with Serbia, Monte Negro and Republic of Croatia and the entity of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total length of Republic of Srpska border is cca 2,170 km, out of which 1,080 km is related to the border with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
If Republic of Srpska, with all its territory, would have a form of a circle, the total length of its borders would be only 561 km.
The territory of Republic of Srpska is situated between 42°°33´ and 45°°16´ of north latitude, and 16°°11´ and 19°°37´ of east longitude. It comprises northern and eastern part of geographical space of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
General information
Republic of Srpska was proclaimed one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9th Jan 1992, by Dayton Peace Agreement. Republic of Srpska has its borders with Serbia, Monte Negro and Republic of Croatia and the entity of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total length of Republic of Srpska border is cca 2,170 km, out of which 1,080 km is related to the border with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
If Republic of Srpska, with all its territory, would have a form of a circle, the total length of its borders would be only 561 km.
The territory of Republic of Srpska is situated between 42°°33´ and 45°°16´ of north latitude, and 16°°11´ and 19°°37´ of east longitude. It comprises northern and eastern part of geographical space of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Facts and figures
Surface: 25,053 km², or 49% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Population: Approximately 1,4 million
Official languages: Srbian, Croatian and Bosniac
Religions: Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim and others
Administrative headquarters: Banja Luka (cca 250,000 inhabitants)
Climate: Continental, mountain, sub-mountain and Mediterranean
Time zone: GMT+1hour
Currency: Convertible mark - 1 EUR=1.95 KM
Electric power: 220 V, 50Hz
Banks and post offices: Most of the banks and post offices are open Monday - Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, and on Saturdays from 8 am to 2 pm.
Commerce: Food stores are mainly opened Monday-Saturday from 6 am to 9 pm, and on Sundays from 6 am to 3 pm. In bigger towns, there are drugstores, shops that are open 24/7.
Pharmacies: Open Monday-Friday from 8 am to 8 pm; on Saturdays from 8 am to 3 pm. In all the towns, there are pharmacies on duty that operate non-stop.
Credit cards: Visa, Master Card, Diners etc. are accepted in most of the major stores, hotels and restaurants.
Telephone services: For calls to Republic of Srpska from abroad, country dial code is +387.
Тоurist Mobile Guide: B&H/RS
Mobile phone operator: 065 Mtel -
Internet: Internet cafes are available in bigger towns.
Important phone numbers:
Police: 122
Fire brigade: 123
Emergency: 124
Road help: 1285
Public holidays
1st and 2nd January – New Year
7th January – Orthodox Christmas
9th January – The Day of the Republic
21st November – Dayton Peace Agreement signing Good Friday, Orthodox Easter