I am not going to fire you.

But there's a consequence here and we're going to set up a Change Plan, like a Behavioral Contract, you're gonna change these things. This contract is not to punish you, this contract is to make sure that you do everything necessary so that you can grow in progress and be an effective part of this team, once again and enjoy a wonderful career here if you. 

If you do these things then you still got a job.

If you don't do these things that I'm not going to fire you, you are going to fire you.

Because you are going to go against the contract you're not going to do what you're supposed to do therefore that's your answer is and you show me by not doing these things that your answer is I don't want this job.

And if that's what you tell me that we respect that and I will fire you based on your wishes. They can't come back and you.

See how they might actually thank you as they walked out the door.

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