1. Question 1?
Yes No2. Question 2?
Yes No3. Question 3?
Yes No4. Question 4?
Yes No5. Question 5?
Yes No6. Question 6?
Yes No7. Question 7?
Yes No8. Question 8?
Yes No9. Question 9?
Yes No10. Question 10?
Yes NoResult:
1. Question 1?
Yes No2. Question 2?
Yes No3. Question 3?
Yes No4. Question 4?
Yes No5. Question 5?
Yes No6. Question 6?
Yes No7. Question 7?
Yes No8. Question 8?
Yes No9. Question 9?
Yes No10. Question 10?
Yes NoResult:
Hello Everyone :)
Thank you for visiting this website.
It contains all the things I like:
You will surely find something to read in between the lines too, namely, my love and effort invested into making my communication with you original, useful, and attractive, as well as a promise of continuous improvement.
Should you find these pages useful in anyway, I will be happy if you let me know.
Mr. Dejan Majkic is a young, energetic and capable person, with a strong will and firm principles, aimed at constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills, able to adapt to teamwork. Excellent English speaking. The need for constant professional training and improvement is very apparent.
I want to welcome the GOODNESS and to snap the EVIL, to support helpful things and to pull out the rug from under our feet Harmful things, to humanely, and severally Equal incorporated into the basic principles of the authorities of the public and private sector and wider in the world ...
Since I work so far gained very useful experience and specific knowledge, and that I as a young and ambitious reject facing rapid and aggressive adoption of new knowledge and skills. I am able to be relatively easy to fit into the appropriate IT project that will allow me to continue learning and advancement in this very dynamic and interesting area, which is the principal economic sector 21st century.
Kind regards and enjoy the life!
Dejan Majkic
Biti profesionalac posvećen poslu znači da umijete da izolujete i tretirate svaki susret sa poslovnim partnerom pojedinačno, nedozvoljavajući negativnim iskustvima iz prošlosti da kvare buduće odnose.
Kažu da imam smisao za humor, ali naravno taj svoj humor je poznat samo jako bliskom krugu ljudi. Birajući da imam pozitivan stav prema svijetu, izabrao sam i da uživam u svom poslu i u kontaktima sa unutrašnjim i spoljnim klijentima.