Why scary?

Because you will need to take uncomfortable action. Many people are not in for that. 

But this is not you. Right?

There are a lot of changes going on in the world right now we know that. And a lot of people are looking for that direction they’re looking for where things are going. They’re looking for certainty, looking for a path and where to start and what to do. A lot of people want it, but most people aren’t willing to take the time.

We know the world has shifted. We know there are a lot of changes out there and we could focus on what’s wrong, as most people do. Or we could shift our minds and look for opportunities on what’s right.

And I love that saying what’s wrong is always available. Just turn on your TV. But what’s right is always available too.

So first, I want to show you that Scrum is not a magical money machine to get rich for doing nothing.

If you’re brand new, I give you all the credit in the world. But you have to be an investigator, and be open-minded, because you will have the opportunity to see what’s possible with Scrum.



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