YouTube Partner Program lets creators monetize content on YouTube in many ways, including advertisements, paid subscriptions, and merchandise.

Becoming a YouTube Partner costs nothing and is optional. One of the biggest benefits of becoming a YouTube Partner is that Google handles all the advertising placement, revenue collections, and your payments.

You can sign up for the YouTube Partner Program in the following areas:

We’re going to look at AIDA and that stands for ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION, and these two steps ONBOARDING and RETENTION.

This is one of the oldest business frameworks still in use today. It’s from the 19th century, from origin marketers and it had these four steps that you see. And then I added onboarding and retention because they were selling soap and snake oil and things and they didn’t have this idea of onboarding people to a platform. So let’s kind of talk about what these mean and how we go from somebody that doesn’t even know that our thing exists. To a happy habitual user of our product or feature or infrastructure.

The idea is that ATTENTION is where we think about how does this user go from not knowing anything about our product or feature to knowing about it. And so we’re asking how does this, how do they even find out that our proposition or product exists. And above all the noise floor, and above all the things that are out there, how do we break through that and get their attention? In a way that’s relevant and helps us transition to the Second Step INTEREST, what engages them with your proposition?

So, for example, we might get somebody’s attention with adverts Google or Facebook ads. And then we might engage in let’s say that’s the first 500 milliseconds to one second of interaction with this person. And we get their interest with a landing page or some kind of focal explanation of what we’re talking about that gets us there their engagement for the next four to six seconds maybe.

I understand why people want as many Instagram followers as possible... but something that changed everything for me was learning one thing. Quality over quantity.

You want your Instagram followers to be as targeted as possible. Honestly, you can make an absolute killing with just a small, laser-targeted audience. If you're serious about growing your Instagram into a full-time income. Download this guide in PDF.

The basic idea with this framework is that the attention step, our user, or customer doesn't even know this thing exists, how do we get their attention?

Then, how do we engage their interests?

What job, what desire do they have that we pair with a meaningful proposition, that they like, that they find valuable, they think will be valuable to them?

Desire is the least directly measurable, but there's some emotional reason why they want to go do this, there's some emotional drive, that's bringing on to do this. What is that?

Action, this is a very important step that's often neglected, what exactly do they have to do to start using your product or your process? How do you minimize that?

What do you need to test that? Onboarding is everything that has to happen for them to become a regular sort of full use of the product. So, for example, with Facebook, that might be going and finding and connecting to their friends with a product like a CRM, like Salesforce, it might be getting your calendar on the system or getting your data in there, so your sales manager goes and looks at salesforce instead of emailing or calling you.

These days a lot of people worldwide lost their jobs and their incomes. Many of them right at this moment are struggling financially.

So, what I what to say is that it doesn’t actually matter which type of industry you are in. What matters is if you want to do some additional work from home or not!

For example, I have been working from home (because of the coronavirus) for more than 30 days. So I #stayathome thinking what else can I do to fulfill my free time.

On the other hand, I have been trying for months to find some additional income by working online from home. I saw many YouTube videos with lots of ideas and some of these ideas sounded really good.

However, there are couple things that I want to share with you, some of them are totally free and some of them are cheap but combining couple of them together really push me in online business with expected income because they open my perspective in this business as I see it now clearly. 

So let's get started:

In Microsoft Windows, there are many ways to get a list of all files in a folder, including all the files within all the subfolders. However, here is one effective way of doing that.

You have to open the cmd prompt in Windows by typing Start / Run/cmd or Search cmd.

After you get the cmd prompt you have to point it to the directory that you want to list. For example, if the directory X is in C:\downloads that you have to type in cmd prompt cd C:\downloads (cd refers to change directory.)

Kanban is a strategy for optimizing flow. The practices in the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams help enhance and complement the Scrum framework and its implementation.

Many videos on YouTube compare Scrum and Kanban. Rather than just comparing the two, in this video, Joshua Partogi shares some practices on how to use both to improve your agility:

The Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams helps you add professional flow concepts to improve your value delivery. Don't forget to read it:

A distinguishing feature of servant leadership is that whereas most modern leadership theories focus upon what the leader does, servant leaders are defined by their character as well as by manifestly ‘demonstrating their complete commitment to serve others.’

Empirical testing of the servant leadership concept is promising in so far as it has been shown to produce heightened levels of team effectiveness and individual follower well-being. Spears identified 10 characteristics of servant leaders from Greenleaf’s writings:


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