Organisational Culture (OC) is a key component in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of the business. Culture influences management, decisions, and all business functions from accounting to production. 

Here is how Spotify's OC. This culture description is really a mix of what they are today and what they are trying to become in the future.

They are trying hard to be up here aligned autonomy, and they keep experimenting with different ways of doing that. So alignment enables autonomy the stronger alignment. They have more autonomy they can afford to grant. That means the leader's job is to communicate what problem needs to be solved and the squad's job is to collaborate with each other to find the best solution.

Some squads are using Scrum, some XP, and some Kanban... really interesting...

Download Scrum Guide and Glossary of Scrum Terms: 

  1. Testing Mastery in Agile and Scrum 
  2. Learn Agile and Scrum: 
  3. The transition from Waterfall to Agile Strategies 
  4. Product Management: 
  5. YouTube Strategic Planning Secrets with Technical Section: 
  6. Digital Marketing Course - The Sales Funnel in Marketing 
  7. Advertising, Sales, Affiliate, and Digital Marketing Course 
  8. How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel for Your Business 

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