I am going to talk about 4 prerequisite conditions for Scrum to be successful. They may even cut to some challenges you are having with your team at the moment.

00:00 - List of Scrum Advantages
00:42 - Scrum Framework is not an approach for every single project
01:29 - Scrum Framework is not an approach if you have the constant variable changing priorities
01:49 - Badly written user stories as a symptom of problems in the process
02:16 - No time for an MVP as a symptom of problems in the process
02:50 - You have access to a cross-functional team (Ideally 3–9 people)
04:41 - Get buy-in from the stakeholders
05:00 - Scrum ingredients
05:14 - What to do if you are completely new to Scrum?

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#scrum #startscrum #scrumprerequisites

  • Product Owner Banjaluka
  • Scrum Master Banjaluka


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