In this video, I wanted to share with you 12 SUPER Tips that I have learned over the years. I've spent 20+ years in tech with various companies and agencies, and here is what I have learned.

✅ Free access to Employee Self Evaluation Template Pdf. Send an email to agileandscrummasterclass (at) (SUBJECT: Employee Self Evaluation Form Template), and I will send it to you immediately.

00:18 - How stuck you may feel at your current job?
03:08 - Always ask hard questions in a job interview.
03:41 - What if you don't like your job?
04:07 - Applying for jobs is time-consuming
04:25 - Be professional and polite to everyone.
04:45 - Learn to recognize the signs of burnout or increased stress within yourself
05:02 - Learn to recognize where you excel and where you need to improve
06:10 - Learn to say I do not know how to do that
06:38 - Do not live for your job
06:58 - Make sure it is one that you feel proud of.
08:03 - What people had to say they loved or hated about this job?
08:24 - What you want to do for a career
08:44 - WHAT I WOULD RECOMMEND for your new career?
09:47 - How Scrum boosts Productivity even in Your Everyday Life
12:47 - Download your Self-Evaluation template

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#tips #career #scrum


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