As a Scrum Product Owner, it's easy to fall into the trap of being a "nice" person who prioritizes harmony and popularity over the team's goals and the product's success.

But is being nice always the best strategy?

In this video, we explore the Trolley Problem Test and why it matters in Scrum, how "nice" people are often just good at signaling their niceness and conforming to social incentives, and why being good means sacrificing your own interests and preferences for the greater good of the team and the product.

We also share some tips for becoming a better Product Owner by embracing the Scrum values of courage, focus, openness, commitment, and respect, and by balancing the needs of the stakeholders, the team, and the product.

Watch this video and learn how to be a Not-So-Nice Product Owner who delivers real value, fosters a culture of excellence, and earns the trust and respect of everyone involved in the Scrum process.

👉 If you are interested to start a Product Owner career, check out the Agile and Scrum Masterclass: 

#scrum #productowner


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