We don't want to be told: Deploy ASAP or make a new app. 

We want to be told, Solve this problem, measured by this particular outcome.

Learn more about #agileprojectmanagement here.

Download Scrum Guide and Glossary of Scrum Terms: https://www.majkic.net/82-eng/sci-tech/1011-scrum-guide-audio-book 

  1. Testing Mastery in Agile and Scrum https://www.udemy.com/course/testing-mastery-in-agile-and-scrum/?referralCode=7923F552370CE29EA1BC 
  2. Learn Agile and Scrum: https://www.udemy.com/course/2021-scrum-for-product-owner-and-scrum-master-course/?referralCode=61EE1859C5F22E70F70F 
  3. The transition from Waterfall to Agile Strategies https://www.udemy.com/course/the-transition-from-waterfall-to-agile/?referralCode=366F945C2E8D6F982950 
  4. Product Management: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-build-an-effective-digital-product/?referralCode=111D4F91601055EE0609 
  5. YouTube Strategic Planning Secrets with Technical Section: https://www.udemy.com/course/youtube-strategic-planning-secrets/?referralCode=14738996B163B1249F7F 
  6. Digital Marketing Course - The Sales Funnel in Marketing https://www.udemy.com/course/the-sales-funnels-explained-course/?referralCode=DAA4AA7E547AE0D2EB29 
  7. Advertising, Sales, Affiliate, and Digital Marketing Course https://www.udemy.com/course/manifest-of-product-promotion-and-internet-marketing/?referralCode=6A02C091ABB2BD4042B3 
  8. How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel for Your Business https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-start-a-successful-youtube-channel-for-your-business/?referralCode=4E1D9567F75A02256187 

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