From May 14 – 16, 2019 I attended workshop "Meeting the Challenges of Big Tax Data and Analytics" that is held in Center of Excellence in Finance - CEF, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


  1. Big Data and Data Warehousing and Analytics
    1. What are the preconditions to start such a project?
    2. Possible approaches for start
    3. Some insights from an IT perspective
  2. Data mining application issues in income indicators audits - Experience from Italy
  3. Analytics and How We Build Capability on Analytics
    1. Experience from The Norwegian Tax Administration
  4. Digitalization – from paper to smart applications
  5. Predictive Models in Risk Assessment
    1. Use of AI in The Norwegian Tax Administration
  6. Use of Big Data - Introduction of the Progressive Personal Income Tax in 2018
    1. Experience from Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia
  7. Use of Big Data – Design of the Measure for Support for Wage Increase in 2018
    1. Experience from Ministry of Finance, North Macedonia

More details of this workshop you can find here: 


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