Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted, at its 73rd meeting, held on July 5, 2012, the Proposal Regulation on Requirements and Manner of Implementation of the Investment and Employment Support Program.

The Regulation sets forth requirements for and manner of encouraging and supporting direct investments and employment growth in the territory of the Republic of Srpska, criteria for award of funding, schedule of payment of awarded funding, and other issues relevant to competitiveness growth of the Republic of Srpska through inflow of direct investments aimed at employment in new jobs, transfer of new knowledge and technologies and balancing of regional development of the Republic of Srpska.

Total funding to be awarded shall be set in proportion to the value of investment and number of the newly employed, taking into account also the place of investments and fulfillment of criteria set forth by this Regulation, for investments in manufacturing sector of minimum investment value of BAM 2,000,000 and providing employment for at least 20 workers, i.e.:

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The Republic of Srpska is becoming a very attractive market for foreign investors, owing to the efforts made by the authorities at the Republic and local levels to create a favorable business environment.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Republic of Srpska in 2007 grew significantly compared to the past period. Compared to 2006, when foreign direct investment amounted to 68 million euros, in 2007 they grew 14 times and amounted to 998 million euros. The lion’s share of that amount, 644 million euros or 64.7%, is related to the privatization of Telecom of the Republic of Srpska by Telecom Serbia.

The level of FDI per capita in the Republic of Srpska in 2007 amounted to 671 euros.

During the coming period, an inflow of over 800 million euros in FDI is expected (privatization of Oil Refinery Brod, Oil Refinery Modrica, Petrol Banja Luka, construction of thermal power plant Stanari).

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Square field, proportions 1 (height), by 2 (width) with horizontally arranged fields of the same height - red over blue over white.


The Emblem of the Republic of Srpska

The Emblem of the Republic of Srpska is composed of a field in colors of the Republic of Srpska flag, across which lies a golden intertwined initial of the Republic of Srpska; the field is surrounded by a golden fertile oak wreath at the bottom, tied up with a ribbon in colors of the flag; above the field lies a golden closed heraldic crown, and below the field lies a golden fleur de lys crown; around all is a circumscription REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA (in cyrilic) – REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA (in Latin alphabet).


National anthem od the Republic of Srpska: "My Republic"

Tаmo gdje nаjljepšа se zorа budi,
Čаsni i ponosni žive dobri ljudi,
Tаmo gdje se rаđа nаšeg suncа sjаj,
Gord i prkosаn je moj zаvičаj.

Zа njegа svi se sаd pomolimo,
Drugu zemlju mi nemаmo.

U srcu mom sаmo je jedаn dom,
U srcu velikа mojа Republikа,
U srcu mom nаjljepšа zvijezdа sjа,
Mojа Republikа, Republikа Srpskа.

Tаmo gdje su nаši preci dаvni
Ime upisаli u svаki korаk slаvni,
Tаmo gdje se rаđа nаšeg suncа sjаj,
Gord i prkosаn je moj zаvičаj.

Zа njegа svi se sаd pomolimo,
Drugu zemlju mi nemаmo.

U srcu mom sаmo je jedаn dom,
U srcu velikа mojа Republikа,
U srcu mom nаjljepšа zvijezdа sjа
Mojа Republikа, Republikа Srpskа.

Republic of Srpska was proclaimed one of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 9th Jan 1992, by Dayton Peace Agreement. Republic of Srpska has its borders with Serbia, Monte Negro and Republic of Croatia and the entity of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total length of Republic of Srpska border is cca 2,170 km, out of which 1,080 km is related to the border with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

If Republic of Srpska, with all its territory, would have a form of a circle, the total length of its borders would be only 561 km.

The territory of Republic of Srpska is situated between 42°°33´ and 45°°16´ of north latitude, and 16°°11´ and 19°°37´ of east longitude. It comprises northern and eastern part of geographical space of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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The Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska (MERRC), supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group, started the implementation of the Investor Aftercare Program in the Republic of Srpska.

The Program is a first comprehensive activity aimed at encouraging the existing investors in strategically selected sectors in the Republic of Srpska to reinvest, and at improving links with the local economy.

Investor aftercare is a key component of investment promotion and a way to capitalize the efforts made by all levels of government on attracting investment to BiH.

Investor aftercare is built around maintaining relations with the existing investors and providing support to growth and development of their companies, which in turn have a huge impact on local economic development.

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