FDI Types
Public-Private Partnership
Issues within the field of public-private partnerships, such as subject, principles, methods, forms and conditions under which a public-private partnership can be achieved as a way of joining resources, capital and expert know-how for the purpose of construction, repair, and maintenance of infrastructure, are regulated by The Law on Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Srpska („Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska“, number 59/09), while the procedures in the realization of projects of public-private partnerships are regulated by Regulation of the Procedure sin the Realization of Public-Private Partnerships in the Republic of Srpska („Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska“, number 104/09).
For the purpose of removing possible administrative barriers, and reviving business environment as well as of providing incentive to attract foreign and domestic investors, new amendments to the existing law have been proposed and the following law has been passed Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Partnership in the Republic of Srpska (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska “, number 63/11). Proposed amendments to the Law make the procedures in the realization of projects of public-private partnership simpler and shorter. The Government of the Republic of Srpska, at its meeting held on 14 June 2012, adopted Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedure of Implementation of Public-Private Partnership Projects in the Republic of Srpska. More information on public-private partnership in the Republic of Srpska can be found in this document.